Can I take antihistamines everyday? More than the recommended dose? Here’s what the research says

Thursday, June 27, 2024 - 2:00 PM

Can I take antihistamines everyday?

Allergies happen when your immune system overreacts to a normally harmless substance like dust or pollen. Hay fever, hives and anaphylaxis are all types of allergic reactions.

Many of those affected reach quickly for antihistamines to treat mild to moderate allergies (though adrenaline, not antihistamines, should always be used to treat anaphylaxis).

If you’re using oral antihistamines very often, you might have wondered if it’s OK to keep relying on antihistamines to control symptoms of allergies. The good news is there’s no research evidence to suggest regular, long-term use of modern antihistamines is a problem.

But while they’re good at targeting the early symptoms of a mild to moderate allergic reaction (sneezing, for example), oral antihistamines aren’t as effective as steroid nose sprays for managing hay fever. This is because nasal steroid sprays target the underlying inflammation of hay fever, not just the symptoms.

Here are the top six antihistamines myths – busted.

Read more in The Conversation by Professor Janet Davies, NACE Respiratory Allergy Stream Co-chair, and Head of the Allergy Research Group at Queensland University of Technology, Associate Professor Joy Lee, NACE Respiratory Allergy Stream Co-chair and Associate Professor of the School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine at Monash University, and Professor NACE Respiratory Allergy Stream Advisory Group member and Professor of Immunology and Allergy at Western Sydney University. 

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